I am one who is looking for comfort. I am one who is lost and afraid. I am one who is searching for the mystic part of my soul. I am the one who it looking for the white horse to carry me away.
I have been really busy and not taking the time to work on my soul work. Could be why I am so tired! It will be wonderful to go on vacation next week. I have miniaturized and laminated my SoulCollage cards to travel with. It will be interesting to see how working with laminated copies of my cards will work.
I am one who feels pressure. I am one who is hoping to be reborn. I am one who is learning to relax. I am looking forward to spending the weekend with my son and his wife. All of us are so busy we are no longer able to get together at least once a month like we used to. I miss them! My son is in law school and working full time, so his free time to chat with me is very limited. I am always afraid to call him, I worry I will interrupt him.
I am one whose life intertwines with my husband. I am one who has weathered many storms with him. I am one who see new things blossoming in our life. I am one opening to learning about the religions of the world.
There are times where our thoughts and opinions are the same, so much so that it seems like we are melding together. But we are both still distinct, even after almost 30 years of marriage.
We are both exploring new ways to experience our spirituality. Mine is taking a more artistic path and his an analytical. But we are still on the same page, so it works well.
The flower to me represents the fact that our relationship is in full bloom. We may have lost a few petals along the way, but the amazing thing about this flower is new petals grow in.