I am one who likes order. I am one who is looking for a way to order my things. I am one who appreciates a sharp pencil. I am one who likes to prepare before starting on a project.
I think the Universe is trying to tell me something. I keep pulling things out to do a project, when what I really need to do is put things in order. So... NO new projects until everything is in order.
I am one who is colorful. I am one who likes to keep things in a row. I am one who looks at patterns and colors.
As I embark on a cleansing of my art studio I really need to look at things in a very un-artistic way. I need to focus on my new path of art and try to only keep the things in that line.
I am one who is juggling many things. I am one who is supporting and is supported by those around me. I am one goes with the flow.I am still feeling the love and support of my friends and family after the weekend. I hope to be able to continue to support them as well.
I am one who is lighting her life in a new way. I am one who is not intimidated by the size of things. I am one who is at peace with the Universe.
I am in a very mellow place right now. I will need to use this time to focus my attention on the parts of me that need it.
I am one who feels loved and nurtured. I am one who is being led by the goddess. I am one who is leaving the child behind. I am one who is not afraid to follow the path sent by the Universe.After the 30th Anniversary ceremony & party yesterday, I feel so loved and nurtured by my husband, family & friends. It was an amazing day!
I am one who can make things happen. I am one who is being nourished by nature. I am one who is able to flourish in difficult environs.
This card reminds me to take time to smell the flowers and know that difficult things are difficult, but not always impossible.
I am one who is lighthearted and fun. I am one who can be stressed or crazy. I am one who knows that I can brush most things off and not hold a grudge.I am really stressed this week. There is a lot on my plate as I prepare for our 30th Anniversary party on Saturday.This card reminds me that it will be fun and I will enjoy it. Even if I don't accomplish all I wish too beforehand.