I am one who craves adventure. I am one who is willing to take risks. I am one who loves to try different things.
As I head off on vacation I am looking forward to seeing some different things and having new experiences. Not up for kayaking or rock climbing! But am looking forward to state parks, pertroglyphs, wineries, a play and some sporting events.
I am one who misses the care and concern of a parent. I am one who tries to be nurturing but not overbearing to my young.I am still recovering from my day of grief yesterday. It is actually hard to function in a normal fashion. This image reminds me that I can get the nurturing I need from people other than my parents.
I am one who holds the knowledge of the world in my hand. Who is worried for the earth and what we humans are doing to our mother. I am one who is aware that the neighborhood I live in is the world. I am one who wishes everyone in the world would just do the right thing and live in peace.
This is a hard day for me. The first Veteran's Day without my dad. It kind of took me by surprise, the fact that I can't stop crying. I don't think I have let myself grieve for him and all that he represents to me. I want to make a difference in the world, like he did.
I am one who likes to orchestrate things. I am one who loves it when I can facilitate harmonious things. I am one who is much more comfortable when I am in charge.This card was made for me by a friend. As the adult child of an alcoholic I spend a lot of my time making things happen a certain way, so there won't be missteps along the way. Sometimes that doesn't allow for the process of learning for those around me. I am trying very hard to let go, but I keep waiting for that slap when things don't go right.