Sunday, February 10, 2013

I am one who is strong but fragile. One who is colorful but still useful.

Daily I feel like I can't accomplish anything. These vases remind me that I am strong and useful, but  can spend time just being decorative.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I am one who is intrigued by the moon. One who will stare for hours at her while I bathe in her light. I know she will protect me from what ever is out of my sight.

I need to pay attention to everything around me and not get lost in one thing. Keeping up with my surroundings will help the moon do her job of protection.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I am one who is not sure if I want to come in from the cold. One who is peering in to see if anything interesting is happening. Should I go in or move on.

Today we were working on cleaning the garage. There are a number of things out there waiting for us to do a garage sale. Actually, a lot of stuff. Should it stay for a sale or head to the charity shop? The garage is not the only place in the house where those decisions are happening or need to happen. How do I see clearly what to do?