Thursday, November 9, 2017

On to the Next Adventure

I am one who is anxious to be on the move. One who is looking for the next crossroad. I am one who is ready to move along at a moments notice.

I have been home now for about 6 weeks. It has been the longest 6 weeks of my life. I am so ready for my next adventure!

This next trip will be a nice time for reflection and me time. It is more of an avoiding winter than a vacation. No need to be on the go every day.

Lots of time for family and friends!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Moon Focus

I am one who can be mesmerized by the moon. One who will spend a long time staring at the moon while thinking about my life and its path.

 I am aware that the moon has much to do with my mood and how I react to situations. I prefer to live in color using the darkness of the moon to clarify my purpose.

Yesterday the whole country was focused on the moon. It was an interesting time. I was not in the path of totality, but saw what I was meant to where I am right now. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

I am one who is working hard to grow, looking for the cracks and crevices others overlook. One who is finding the nourishment I need in the reservoirs that collect all I need to grow.

I just spent the weekend with a group of pagan women. What an amazing 24 hours of ritual, singing, chanting and sharing. 

This group is one of the crevices I have found nourishment with.  Even though I am an eclectic pagan, they welcomed me with open arms!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


I am one who is looking for more balance in my life. One who is perusing all options in my spiritual arsenal. I am one who is ready to move on to the next phase of my life to see where it leads me.

Continuing to look at my life and how I am leading it. Things need to change so I can be more productive with my time and talents.

Still not where I want to be. It is a long and winding path!

Friday, June 2, 2017


I am one who looks for adventure. One who likes to see things from a different perspective. 

It seems that I look at things differently than others do. My perspective finds solutions not apparent to everyone else. It is my super power!

Saturday, May 27, 2017


I am one who is in a relationship that is unlike others. One who is very grateful that my relationship is solid and able to withstand stormy weather. I am one who looks towards the future with the same eyes as my mate.

Our week of camping brought lots of time to talk about the future. It is always good to rehash things that have been decided in the past. Are we still on the same page? We are.

Adjustments have been made to the future plans, but still moving in the same direction.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Magic in My Soul

I am one who believes in the magic in my soul. One who can accomplish whatever I hope to achieve. I am one who knows that when I believe in myself anything is possible.

There were a number of years when I thought I was not able to be a productive person. I am slowing learning that belief in myself is more important than accomplishments. My mind scatters and it is difficult to stay on task. That is just me and I have to accept that I am not a linear person very often.

The fact that nonlinear people are more creative makes my scattered thoughts not so bad after all. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


I am one who is walking on the edge of adventure. One who is looking up when she should be trying to keep grounded and safe. W am one who is distracted by the beautiful sky.

It really is hard to focus. It has been since I dented that darn drain tube in my head. I really need to ground myself and pay attention to what is going on.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


I am one who is looking at signs of aging. One who is amazed at the vibrancy of my years. 

Looking back at all life has sent my way I am really grateful for all the experiences and people who have added color to my life.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Root chakra

I am one who is looking to strengthen my root chakra. one who is looking for the fire in my body.

See the beauty

I am one who is not afraid to step out of my comfort zone, as long as I have best friend with me. One who is willing to move closer to see the beauty that is nature.

This image says to me, to not be so slow to move closer to the beauty that surrounds me. I know that I always have the best friend part of me along for whatever adventure I find on the path.

The water lilies in the lake near my first home always called to me. Come, Come!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Using what is around me

I am one who is using the elements of the world to make sense of what is going on. One who is not afraid to explore what is outside the norm.

I was reminded last night of something horrible I never dealt with. It made me sad, but I found that it hadn't marred me like it could have. I am glad that I have grown into a better person because of what happened, but it didn't really change my life like I know it could have.

Being grounded and listening to my soul and body about my needs has really made my life. It also helps that I have friends that help me balance the good and the not so good!

Saturday, May 6, 2017


I am one who is shining the light on all I want to be. One who is trying hard to not look at what was and focusing on what will.

As I am moving out of the dark, into the light of spring it is important for me to remember that what is in the past is just a reminder to find the light for my path going forward. I sort of lost my way for a bit, distracted by health issues and lack of focus.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Crow Medicine

I am one who is looking for the balance between the light and the darkness in me. One who is looking for someone to share that search with. I am one who is realizing that Crow Medicine has much wisdom to add to my search.

I have just realized that my Spirit Animal at this time in my life is Crow. She offers me the guidance that I have been looking for. I thank her for being there for me on my path.