Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am one who protects myself from the night. I am who is standing on the edge of the land and sea. Who is aware that many have gone before me and I need to pay attention to what they have to say before they are gone.

I do feel right now that I am in protection mode. I just don't know if it is a good thing or just isolationism. Rarely do I want to leave my home unless I have to and I don't want to see but a few people. Part of it is not feeling well, but I am not sure that is all of it.

It appears that life has decided to come down heavily on me. We will spend next weekend with hubby's family celebrating his dad's 90th. We know this is the last time we will see him alive as he has lung cancer. All the elders in my family are going now. It is getting hard to deal with those losses.

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