Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I am one who is aware of the protection of the ancestors. I am one who lives with their knowledge and guidance. I am one who knows that I am being cared for and supported by those who surround me, living and dead.

Today I will have surgery to repair a rectocele. Pretty common surgery, but not a lot of fun for recovery. I was told to expect that I won't want to sit for any length of time for 1-2 weeks. So I am looking for the support of family and friends and those who have gone before me. I ask for guidance for the surgeon, Melody Denson, and all the staff of Seton Medical Center.

It is fitting that the beginning of this problem, the birth of my first child, should finish at the same medical facility. It reminds me of the circle of life. Learning from those who go before, listening and supporting with compassion to all those around us.

May I keep an open heart and a positive attitude even if there is a lot of pain and discomfort.
I look forward to the week of Christmas with my family. No matter how I feel, I am so grateful they are there for me.


Carolyn said...

May you recover quickly. Happiest of holidays to you and to your family!

Carey said...

We look forward to seeing you mom!